Our companies


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Glencoco connects people with enterprise products, allowing companies an efficient way to generate top-funnel pipeline.
Ingwon Chae
Why we invested

Infinite Canvas is a publisher for user-generated, creator-led games. Infinite Canvas empowers game developers by providing development, engineering, and monetization support.

"Glencoco is a managed platform for top-funnel revenue generation capitalizing on the generational shift to remote work. We are a team of MIT + Berkeley engineers, product and revenue leaders with diverse experiences ranging from Wall Street derivatives trading to delivering growth, product, and revenue at some of the fastest growing enterprise companies in history like Verkada and Wiz."
Ingwon Chae
More from the team
"Our mission is to create millions of opportunities by connecting enterprise products and people. We hope to leave a large, enduring positive social impact through our efforts."
Ingwon Chae
Experience with Crossbeam
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We are always around! We take pride in moving quickly - feel free to reach out at the idea stage or send your suggestions on novel asset classes we should be exploring.
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